I'm about to go for happy hour and now I read this in NATION. Ha! ha! he has just aroused my curiosity on what to expect when I visit the Kenyan bar scene.It seems that the "chaser and the chased" modus operandi has changed over the years. This will really be fun to see"Live in action" as opposed to reading it. I have a very technical imagination, I'm already in Nai and I'm cracking up here just imagining a chile approaching a kijana and using this lame line.. ati "Hi handsome , you look like 50cent , lets get to know each other".....LOL,LMAO!!!
"Beware of the woman who loves the bar " BY Oyunga Pala -Nation
Ati"They have no ability to discriminate. That you are male and you have a pulse is all that matters. These have a way of getting to you, before you get to them. Some say it's a psychic ability but I say it's pure lust. That's what alcohol does to people. These are the days when women believe in scoring, so unless you want to be a one night-stand candidate, put on a less revealing T-shirt. It's okay to admit that some of us lack skills in these matters and boys shouldn't be embarrassed about it. You are better off swallowing your pride and using the services of a go-between to avoid these psycho women"
He he..ati psychic ability ....ha!ha!What does he mean these days women believe in scoring ..Haiya, this has been in place long time ago...:-))
LMAO ....Ati"These days, you find boys trying to look like characters in popular music videos, and hoping the girls will pick out the resemblance. Seriously, do these guys expect that some pretty face would walk up to them and say, 'Hi handsome! You look like 50 cents. Let's get to know each other better?' Men are having a hard time meeting women these days because of such lame tactics"
With this kind of comic scenery, I need to be in Nairobi to be entertained .This is much better than a Karaoke bar:-)) . Na kweli I have been away from Nairobi social scene for long. The happy hours here are boring compared to what I'm reading here
"Men have become such vicarious attention seekers it's embarrassing. It is as though overnight, the script was flipped and women became the visual creatures while men were forced to parade around like peacocks- this used to be the preserve of women. That is why I feel obliged to tell all those young men who think they know it all, to sit up straight and listen to some valuable advise. Don't chase women, don't be a jock. You mustn't take female expectations very seriously because they are rarely stimulated by logic. Sex appeal is 20 per cent what you've got, and 80 per cent what girls think you've got! How else do those short, plump, short types get to walk in the company of gorgeous models?:
What does he mean do not take women expectation seriously because they are not stimulated by logic" Haiya what bars is he making this observation, Karumaindo , princess (is that bar still around, that was a ka joint from KU -CARNI stopover..)..wewe I'm not sure who these women are who are not stimulated by logic....well that depends though what the interest one has withe the prey:-)
When women say they desire a strong man, someone who can offer security, they do not exactly mean you have to aspire to be a bouncer.
Well I had so much fun reading this..entertaining!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005

B ehaves like a maniac when grown-ups aren’t watching
R ampages most when you want to be quiet!
O rders you around as if you were his servant
T hinks endlessly of fresh ways to torment you
H ates above everything to hear you admired
E ats with loud noises simply to irritate
R esorts to being charming only as the last desperate bribe
Too Friendly for your Own Demise!
You were lonely and you needed a friend
And he was there at the right time with the right smile
Just a shoulder to lean on
Someone to tell you it'll all work out alright
Don't let him steal your heart away
No, don't let him steal your heart away
Don't let him steal your heart away
No, don't let him steal your heart away
But any fool can see you're fooling yourself
But you ain't fooling me
So don't let him steal your heart away
No, don't let him steal your heart away
But hoping you could be strong
But could you look at me straight
Tell me what else can I do but say I was wrong?
So don't let him steal your heart away
No, don't let him steal your heart away
You were lonely and you needed a friend
And he was there at the right time with the right smile
Just a shoulder to lean on
Someone to say don't you worry it'll all be alright
But he's no good for you
He'll make you think your whole life's been leading to this
And whatever you do
Think about me, oh, and don't be fooled by his kiss
And he was there at the right time with the right smile
Just a shoulder to lean on
Someone to tell you it'll all work out alright
Don't let him steal your heart away
No, don't let him steal your heart away
Don't let him steal your heart away
No, don't let him steal your heart away
But any fool can see you're fooling yourself
But you ain't fooling me
So don't let him steal your heart away
No, don't let him steal your heart away
But hoping you could be strong
But could you look at me straight
Tell me what else can I do but say I was wrong?
So don't let him steal your heart away
No, don't let him steal your heart away
You were lonely and you needed a friend
And he was there at the right time with the right smile
Just a shoulder to lean on
Someone to say don't you worry it'll all be alright
But he's no good for you
He'll make you think your whole life's been leading to this
And whatever you do
Think about me, oh, and don't be fooled by his kiss
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I’m not much of a computer game freak but this is one game that got me hooked since 2002!!. Age of Empire .This is one of Microsoft best selling computer game which involves war and strategy. It is an epic with a life span of 100,000 years, in which the player goes through creating an empire with evolution from dark ages to Imperial age of tribes to great empires.
The player can from different ways to win the game, including: world domination by conquering enemy civilizations, exploration of the known world and economic victory through the accumulation of wealth. You can choose from very easy, easy, hard to hardest. The graphics are excellent. Your enemies can attack you and finish you any minute so you got to be on the watch, have strong wall protecting your empire, castles and watch towers to watch your enemy. If you are playing against more than one individual then you have to make sure that all corners of your empire are under surveillance . At the same time,you have to build your army(strong army ), collect wood, gold,stone and continue to upgrade your institutions..in other words, it is just like running your country; alot of delegation to the ministry of defense , education, agriculture , human resources, religious instititution and general wananchi but not like the Kibaki government, (the ministers in the game are not unruly:-)
The game by 2004 had sold 15 million copies. It is an amazing game and again the quick thinking and a great strategy skill is the key. I usually play against the computer or when a friend comes over we network our laptops and play but it is so intense, there are times we go till wee hours of morning. I’m so hooked to it and it is another fix on those stressful days. I cannot believe I like it more than watching T.V!!!/. Age of empire is one of those things that make me go mmmmmmmmhhh…
although today I saw something else that made go double mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhh:-)
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Finally -Intelligent Analysis on RAILA & CO.
"Were the 2.5 million voters for the new constitution or the five million that did not vote, not people? Is it logical for Mr Odinga to equate 3.5 million that said No to the new constitution to the only people in a population of 32 million?" by Koigi Wamwere
You can read the rest on
Finally someone has voice of reason on all the madness that is gripping Kenya especially from political bickers who have nothing to show since they were elected in office.They have spent our tax payers money trying to achieve their power hungry agendas and to think that ordinary mwananchi thinks they will be better leaders? Who are these Kenyans who are more interested in a snap election than the milk and bread they put on their children's dinner table. Wamwere has said it better than anyone
"Mr Odinga also says the President is not in touch with the people. I find it difficult to believe that just because the people are freer to tear their President to shreds every morning, or because his side lost in a referendum, then the President is not in touch with the people".
If this is not a step ahead from what we were 5 years ago I dunno what is.Would Raila be standing free to say anything to a president or would he be in Nyayo house basement.?
The economy is steering in the right direction (5% growth),more jobs are being created, investors were beginning to restore their confidence on our economy and Kibaki has lost touch with the Wananchi? Kibaki may not be aggressive, he may not have fulfilled all his NARC promises but darn it, it has only been 3 years.! Was he supposed to fulfill all that with a cabinet full of unruly group.? Were they not part of this government they stand to condemn. I 'm pissed and the hell I'm ...because leaders like Raila do not understand time is money..the more he continues his pursuit, his quest to be the next President with whatever means , the more HIV is spreading , the more wananchi are dying of hunger in his home area Nyanza, North Eastern Kenya, Muranga and all the corners of the republic, the more youth turn to drugs and crime for lack of jobs.Is this the Kenya Raila wants in the name of a referendum? So it became a popularity contest, was it what it was? why didn't he tell wananchi that and maybe just maybe all those who didn't vote , would have come out in droves!!!. The constitution is going nowhere, resume the talks and move on . Why can't Kenyans realise that dirty politics hinder economic growth and the main thing right now is to reverse the economy so that we can be a healthy nation!!!!
Poleni I had to let this out of my chest!!!
You can read the rest on
Finally someone has voice of reason on all the madness that is gripping Kenya especially from political bickers who have nothing to show since they were elected in office.They have spent our tax payers money trying to achieve their power hungry agendas and to think that ordinary mwananchi thinks they will be better leaders? Who are these Kenyans who are more interested in a snap election than the milk and bread they put on their children's dinner table. Wamwere has said it better than anyone
"Mr Odinga also says the President is not in touch with the people. I find it difficult to believe that just because the people are freer to tear their President to shreds every morning, or because his side lost in a referendum, then the President is not in touch with the people".
If this is not a step ahead from what we were 5 years ago I dunno what is.Would Raila be standing free to say anything to a president or would he be in Nyayo house basement.?
The economy is steering in the right direction (5% growth),more jobs are being created, investors were beginning to restore their confidence on our economy and Kibaki has lost touch with the Wananchi? Kibaki may not be aggressive, he may not have fulfilled all his NARC promises but darn it, it has only been 3 years.! Was he supposed to fulfill all that with a cabinet full of unruly group.? Were they not part of this government they stand to condemn. I 'm pissed and the hell I'm ...because leaders like Raila do not understand time is money..the more he continues his pursuit, his quest to be the next President with whatever means , the more HIV is spreading , the more wananchi are dying of hunger in his home area Nyanza, North Eastern Kenya, Muranga and all the corners of the republic, the more youth turn to drugs and crime for lack of jobs.Is this the Kenya Raila wants in the name of a referendum? So it became a popularity contest, was it what it was? why didn't he tell wananchi that and maybe just maybe all those who didn't vote , would have come out in droves!!!. The constitution is going nowhere, resume the talks and move on . Why can't Kenyans realise that dirty politics hinder economic growth and the main thing right now is to reverse the economy so that we can be a healthy nation!!!!
Poleni I had to let this out of my chest!!!
Preserving Culture & Traditions

To Mozart aka Amadeus -) : Thanks for reminding me to remember who I'm and never apologize for it.
First of let me start by saying, I'm a Kikuyu, I 'm not ashamed of it, I do not condone tribalism and I respect other Kenyan tribes.
While chatting with a pal of mine the other day, he asked a question as to why Kikuyu are often seen as tribalistic because of trying to keep alive their culture and traditions. By speaking their language(although sometimes they can be insensitive when a non Kikuyu speaker is around), keeping up with their customs and holding dear what is Kikuyu. I didn't have a good answer to that question but for a person who has been studying the Kikuyu culture and Kenya in general, I bet he had some answers of his own.
My pal challenged me on how much of a kikuyu I'm and I was ashamed to admit not a good one. I have tend to forget the customs and values that are what made Kikuyu's who they are. Honestly I think Kikuyu have been misunderstood and the following is a synopis courtesy of www.bluegecko.org. It is when reading this that I realized most what Kikuyu are was ingrained many many years ago and has in most part not related to the accusations and stereotypes that have been flying the radar.
Early History: the migration south from Nyambene
The ancestors of the Kikuyu can be said with some certainty to have come from the north, from the region of the Nyambene Hills to the northeast of Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga), which was the original if not exclusive homeland of all of central Kenya's Bantu-speaking peoples, viz. the Meru, Embu, Chuka, Kamba and possibly Mbeere. The people are believed to have arrived in the hills as early as the 1200s.
From where they came, though, is a matter subject to a lot of controversy (ie. speculation based on few facts): one theory argues that they came from the mythical 'Shungwaya', presumably in Somalia, from which the nine tribes of the coastal Mijikenda also say they came. The other main theory posits that they came from the west, having split from the proto-Bantu of central Africa.
Whatever their early origins, it is generally accepted that starting from around the 1500s, the ancestors of the Kikuyu, Meru (including the Igembe and Tigania), Kamba, Embu and Chuka, began moving south into the richer foothills of Mount Kenya. By the early 1600s, they were concentrated at Ithanga, 80km southeast of the mountain's peaks at the confluence of the Thika and Sagana rivers.
As Ithanga's population increased, oral traditions of all the tribes agree that the people began to fan out in different directions, eventually becoming the separate and independent tribes that exist today. The theory that the Chuka, Embu, Mbeere, Gicugu and Ndia 'broke away' from the main Kikuyu group before arriving at Ithanga is plausible, but is contradicted by the oral traditions of various tribes, many of which include Ithanga in their histories.
The Kikuyu themselves moved west to a place near present-day Murang'a, from where the Kikuyu creation myth picks up the story.
Creation myth - Mukurue wa Gathanga
The actual point at which the Kikuyu became a separate and independent people with their own and unique sense of identity is fairly clearly stated in oral tradition, which says that the founder of the Kikuyu was a man named Gikuyu.
One day, Ngai (god) gave him a wife called Mumbi, and commanded them to build a homestead near Murang'a, to the southwest of Kirinyaga (Mount Kenya). Some versions of the myth say that Ngai first took Gikuyu to the top of Kirinyaga to behold the land that he was giving them.
The place that Gikuyu and Mumbi settled in was full of wild fig trees (sacred among many Kenyan peoples, not just Bantu), and was called Mukurue wa Gathanga, which loosely translated means 'Tree of the Building Site', and even more loosely 'the Kikuyu Garden of Eden'. The location is still sacred, even though the fig tree - which was believed to have been as old as the Kikuyu themselves - disappeared a few decades ago.
Mumbi bore nine daughters, who married and had families, and which eventually became clans. Ngai gave them the highly fertile lands to the southwest of the mountain to live in. These clans - the true ancestors of the Kikuyu - are actually called the 'full nine' or 'nine fully' (kenda muiyuru), for there also was a tenth daughter, who descended from an unmarried mother in one of the other nine clans (which suggests the later amalgamation of at least one other people into the Kikuyu). Until recently, it was a common taboo for anyone to give the exact number of their children; violating the taboo - any taboo - would portend a bad omen.
Virtually every Kikuyu woman is named after one of the 'nine' daughters of Mumbi, and the creation myth - like many others among Bantu-speaking people - suggests that ancient Kikuyu society was originally matriarchal. According to some, the men grew tired of their treatment by the women and rebelled.
This myth was used in a Mau Mau resistance song during the fight for independence. See the lyrics of Mukurwe wa Nyagathanga in the Music and Dance section.
Consolidation and Expansion
As can be guessed from the above, the early history of the Kikuyu is certainly not simple, and things become further complicated for historians and anthropologists with the inevitable intermarriage and interaction that occurred (and still occurs) between the various tribes and groups that had parted ways at Ithanga, and which continued as the Kikuyu spread out from Mukurue wa Gathanga to cover their present terrain.
The Kikuyu have always been happy to adapt and to adopt, and, in terms of territorial expansion, were by far the most successful of the groups that had originally migrated south from the Nyambene Hills, relying on a combination of land purchases, blood-brotherhood (partnerships), intermarriage with other people, and their adoption and absorption. Only occasionally did warfare figure in this expansion, such as in the early 1800s when a combined Kikuyu, Maasai and Athi force defeated (annihilated?) the hunter-gathering Gumba (or Agumba), a people which one Kikuyu legend refers to as pygmies.
The original inhabitants of Kikuyu-land, it is said, were the Thagicu, who practised iron-working, herded cattle and sheep and goats, and hunted. The similarity in name between Thagicu and Gikuyu would suggest that they were in fact the Kikuyu's earliest known ancestors, if not their primary lineage. They may indeed have been the 'tenth' of the 'fully nine' clans, though I admit that that is merely speculation. Sources differ on the ethnic identity of the Thagicu - some say they were Bantu-speaking, others that they came from Cushitic peoples.
As the land was fertile and ideally suited to agriculture, the population increased rapidly, causing further waves of migration which lasted until the eighteenth century: west into the Aberdares (Nyandarua Mountains), south to the present site of Nairobi, and north to the Nyeri plains and the Laikipia Plateau, where the Kikuyu came into contact with the cattle-herding Maasai (who were evicted from the area by the British early in the twentieth century). Unusually in contacts with the Maasai, the Kikuyu were neither conquered nor assimilated by them, but instead engaged in trade (as well as sporadic cattle raiding), which led to a deep and long-lasting social interaction which especially affected the Kikuyu. During the Maasai civil wars at the end of the nineteenth century, hundreds of Maasai refugees were taken in and adopted by the Kikuyu, particularly those in Kiambu.
In consequence, Nilotic social traits such as circumcision clitoridectomy and the age-set system, were adopted; the taboo against eating fish was also accepted; and people intermarried, so much so that more than half of the Kikuyu of some districts are believed to have Maasai blood in their veins (including Jomo Kenyatta himself, whose paternal grandmother was Maasai). From other peoples came loanwords for ceremonial dances, plants and animals, and the concept of irrigation as an agricultural technique.
Although the Kikuyu were a formidable fighting force, the agricultural nature of their lives meant that violence was generally only used for defence, for they lacked the mobility of pastoralists such as the Maasai and Samburu, who lived to the north and west.
Geographically, the Kikuyu were relatively well protected, with the Ngong Hills so the south, the Nyandarua Mountains to the west, and Mount Kenya to the northeast. To the east, also, were the related Meru, Embu and Kamba people, with whom relations were generally friendly, replying as they did on their trade with the Kikuyu. Defence was thus a primary concern only in the west, where the Kikuyu were wary of settling or venturing out onto open plains for fear of the Maasai, who were interested in controlling the widest possible areas for their herds.
Greater defence was necessary only close to the Maasai border, with the result that villages there were in effect forts and were built for maximum protection. Generally, only those family groups (mbari) with "many warrior sons" or which had attracted a clientele of fighting followers could muster the defence necessary to settle these new areas. These villages were also well concealed: Europeans found they could be walking only metres from a settlement without knowing of its existence.
Economically, the Kikuyu were blessed with some of the most fertile land in Kenya, their 'work ethic', and their willingness to adapt and adopt to new situations. This made them ideally suited as traders, so much so that the majority of Kenyan businesses today are run by Kikuyu.
Having settled in an environment ideal for agricultural pursuits, the Kikuyu exploited it to the full, producing food far in excess of what they needed to feed themselves. This was in stark contrast to the Embu, Mbeere, Chuka, Kamba and the hunter-gathering Okiek (Ndorobo), whose lands were far less fertile, and were prone to drought and famine. At those times, when trade became a necessity for their survival, it was to the Kikuyu that they turned. In return for supplying food, the Kikuyu received all manner of goods, ranging from skins, medicine and ironwork from the Mbeere, livestock and tobacco from the Embu, and salt and manufactured trade goods brought up from the coast by the Kamba, with whom the Kikuyu had their most important trading relationship. Trade also occurred with the Maasai, who may well have introduced elements of cattle culture to the Kikuyu. Even as the men were engaged in raiding each other's livestock, Kikuyu women continued to trade with Maasai women.
Local markets proliferated in populated areas, as they do today. Women transported barter goods in caravans and were generally safe under the protection of middlemen (hinga), who represented the group with whom they intended to trade. By the nineteenth century, the Kikuyu had become so adept at trade that they became involved in supplying the Swahili ivory and slave trade with food, eventually - as the Kamba trade declined - usurping the role of the Kamba as intermediaries between the coast and the hinterland.
Prayer for Peace in Kenya!!!!!
Someday, when we are wiser
When the world's older
When we have learned
I pray someday we may yet
Live to live and let live
Someday, life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
And greed will not pay
Godspeed, this bright millenia
On it's way, let it come someday
Someday our fight will be won, and
We'll stand in the sun, in
That bright afternoon
'Til then, on days when the sun
Is gone, we'll hang on
If we wish upon the moon
There are some days, dark and bitter
Seems we haven't got a prayer
But a prayer for something better
Is the one thing we all share
Someday, when we are wiser
When the whole world is older
When we have love
And I pray someday we may yet
Live to live and one day, someday
Someday life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
And greed will not pay
Godspeed this bright millenia
Let it come
If we wish upon the moon
One day, someday....soon
SONG BY CELTIC WOMAN................
When the world's older
When we have learned
I pray someday we may yet
Live to live and let live
Someday, life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
And greed will not pay
Godspeed, this bright millenia
On it's way, let it come someday
Someday our fight will be won, and
We'll stand in the sun, in
That bright afternoon
'Til then, on days when the sun
Is gone, we'll hang on
If we wish upon the moon
There are some days, dark and bitter
Seems we haven't got a prayer
But a prayer for something better
Is the one thing we all share
Someday, when we are wiser
When the whole world is older
When we have love
And I pray someday we may yet
Live to live and one day, someday
Someday life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
And greed will not pay
Godspeed this bright millenia
Let it come
If we wish upon the moon
One day, someday....soon
SONG BY CELTIC WOMAN................
Monday, December 12, 2005
Women, we have continuously been ridiculed for complaining or airing our dissatisfaction about stuff which men consider trivial and should be overlooked. Well I do not understand why it is that when women express concern or dissatisfaction about something, it is labeled “BITCHING whereas men do the same and it is perceived as “CONSTRUCTIVE COMPLAINING “. I’m guilty as sin for the so called “bitching”.
If I feel dissatisfied about something I say it right there and then and yes I know I can’t change by complaining about it, but there is the satisfaction of letting it known. See, women we are different from men in the sense that, we know how to express our emotions (no wonder we have a longer life span), we say as we feel and do not shy away from expressing our concerns.
In my opinion it is healthy to say what is on ones mind rather than sit gloomy all day and not say anything and then down the road have an outburst. I believe men want to bitch too, they think it only the do not say it.
One of the major complaints by guys about their wives, girlfriends, mother’s sisters, aunties, female colleagues is the so called complaining. The will go on and say” I love my wife or girlfriend, but she bitches too much “ I have been told that by an ex- of mine that I complain too much and yet it seemed like he always shared the opinion about whatever I was complaining about. My question is what do you mean that one complains too much?
Am I not supposed to say it is cold when it is really is? Yeah, yeah, I know I cannot change the weather but there is a certain satisfaction of just saying it just incase it was steaming hot and I was the only one feeling cold :-) . If the food is spicy I ‘m supposed to sit there, burn my tongue out and smile because I’m enjoying the food and not say anything? Should I not say put down the toilet sit, incase I seem to be bitching? Should I come to my boyfi Crib and find crap all over the floor and pretend it is non existent, jump over it and try to squeeze to the part of the couch that has no underwear laying around?.
Well, men say they do not like our bitching yet they keep repeating the same thing we bitch about.? Huh what's that about guys? Guys, let me tell you something, the more you criticize your wifes/Girlfriend/sister, the more she will bitch and the secret to surviving this, just go along with it, infact bitch with her whatever it is even when your opinions are on the other end of the spectrum. There is something nice about a guy agreeing even when he knows that I’m being illogical and just silly.
There at times I just bitch just because ....seriously there those times you just need to let off steam .Those times I ‘m 100% sure I’m doing it for the heck of it, I do not make sense , just plain ignorant at times.One of the guy I went out with for the longest time(7 years) used to say “Irene, I know u are just bitching for the sake of it, you know it so I will let you get off the steam” It is what I like calling a bitch fix:-)
So Fellas let the women bitch if they want to, trust me that is our fix when we are stressed and it is good for the heart. I hate walking with heavy heart when I ‘m concerned about something and cannot say it incase I come across as bitching. So guys instead of critizing your women when they complain, just ignore her , let her do it and trust me you will be better of than I saying “Why do you always bitch.”?.It will also be good for your relationships. Trust me, it is in us to bitch!!
If I feel dissatisfied about something I say it right there and then and yes I know I can’t change by complaining about it, but there is the satisfaction of letting it known. See, women we are different from men in the sense that, we know how to express our emotions (no wonder we have a longer life span), we say as we feel and do not shy away from expressing our concerns.
In my opinion it is healthy to say what is on ones mind rather than sit gloomy all day and not say anything and then down the road have an outburst. I believe men want to bitch too, they think it only the do not say it.
One of the major complaints by guys about their wives, girlfriends, mother’s sisters, aunties, female colleagues is the so called complaining. The will go on and say” I love my wife or girlfriend, but she bitches too much “ I have been told that by an ex- of mine that I complain too much and yet it seemed like he always shared the opinion about whatever I was complaining about. My question is what do you mean that one complains too much?
Am I not supposed to say it is cold when it is really is? Yeah, yeah, I know I cannot change the weather but there is a certain satisfaction of just saying it just incase it was steaming hot and I was the only one feeling cold :-) . If the food is spicy I ‘m supposed to sit there, burn my tongue out and smile because I’m enjoying the food and not say anything? Should I not say put down the toilet sit, incase I seem to be bitching? Should I come to my boyfi Crib and find crap all over the floor and pretend it is non existent, jump over it and try to squeeze to the part of the couch that has no underwear laying around?.
Well, men say they do not like our bitching yet they keep repeating the same thing we bitch about.? Huh what's that about guys? Guys, let me tell you something, the more you criticize your wifes/Girlfriend/sister, the more she will bitch and the secret to surviving this, just go along with it, infact bitch with her whatever it is even when your opinions are on the other end of the spectrum. There is something nice about a guy agreeing even when he knows that I’m being illogical and just silly.
There at times I just bitch just because ....seriously there those times you just need to let off steam .Those times I ‘m 100% sure I’m doing it for the heck of it, I do not make sense , just plain ignorant at times.One of the guy I went out with for the longest time(7 years) used to say “Irene, I know u are just bitching for the sake of it, you know it so I will let you get off the steam” It is what I like calling a bitch fix:-)
So Fellas let the women bitch if they want to, trust me that is our fix when we are stressed and it is good for the heart. I hate walking with heavy heart when I ‘m concerned about something and cannot say it incase I come across as bitching. So guys instead of critizing your women when they complain, just ignore her , let her do it and trust me you will be better of than I saying “Why do you always bitch.”?.It will also be good for your relationships. Trust me, it is in us to bitch!!