I’m not much of a computer game freak but this is one game that got me hooked since 2002!!. Age of Empire .This is one of Microsoft best selling computer game which involves war and strategy. It is an epic with a life span of 100,000 years, in which the player goes through creating an empire with evolution from dark ages to Imperial age of tribes to great empires.
The player can from different ways to win the game, including: world domination by conquering enemy civilizations, exploration of the known world and economic victory through the accumulation of wealth. You can choose from very easy, easy, hard to hardest. The graphics are excellent. Your enemies can attack you and finish you any minute so you got to be on the watch, have strong wall protecting your empire, castles and watch towers to watch your enemy. If you are playing against more than one individual then you have to make sure that all corners of your empire are under surveillance . At the same time,you have to build your army(strong army ), collect wood, gold,stone and continue to upgrade your institutions..in other words, it is just like running your country; alot of delegation to the ministry of defense , education, agriculture , human resources, religious instititution and general wananchi but not like the Kibaki government, (the ministers in the game are not unruly:-)
The game by 2004 had sold 15 million copies. It is an amazing game and again the quick thinking and a great strategy skill is the key. I usually play against the computer or when a friend comes over we network our laptops and play but it is so intense, there are times we go till wee hours of morning. I’m so hooked to it and it is another fix on those stressful days. I cannot believe I like it more than watching T.V!!!/. Age of empire is one of those things that make me go mmmmmmmmhhh…
although today I saw something else that made go double mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhh:-)
During my pc game stage I loved this game to bits.You should move onto civilisations or get the Age of Empires 2 the expanded or version or Simcity 3000.All in all a good way to burn the cold winters.
I already do have 11 & Age of the kings Acolyte maybe I will try Simcity 3000. Glad to see another fan.
spoken like a true addict aint it refreshin having somethin occupy ur mind and take u to another place...
and am also curious what else made u go mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Nick: Yep and yes I saw a very handsome young man today ......if wishes were horses.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..that was a GQ cover face ...manze I salivated shamelessly!!
You're such a geek, LOL!
I'm more into the "Call of Duty", "Far Cry" (ego-shooter) and the "Need 4 Speed" (racing simulator) genre, but those strategy games are nice as well.
The only serious issue with these games is that they can REALLY fix you to the computer for hours and hours and hours...horrible ;-)
My roommate is one of those - he plays around 8-12h EACH DAY...
What scares me about those strategy games like AoE is that you always have to battle at different fronts, so it's not a single-tasking game with one objective (like ego-shooters where you just press the button and shoot everything that moves) but rather multitasking with different battles going on at the same time. Obviously, a game women will prefer (because of their multitasking abilities ;-).
JKE: Wacha, me a geek , are you sure you want to down that route with me? LOL.......Yenyewe the multitasking involved is high level I tell ya..you glance away for 2 seconds and manze your enemies come attacking from all corners. The first time I played the game with a friend, he had a laugh of a lifetime coz I would give up and become personal with the game.I was feeling the computer was out to get me:-))). I dunno I have never been excited about the ones you play......too easy:-)))
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