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BURN !!!BABY BURN ........................."Turbo Jam's Chalene Johnson packs each workout with calorie-blasting kickboxing, body sculpting, and the hottest dance music—all guaranteed to give you jaw-dropping results, no matter what your fitness level. Plus, you'll get killer abs without ever doing a single sit-up. So get in on the action that's rocking thousands of fitness clubs across the nation—and start jammin' right in your own home! It's fast. It's fun. It works."
I love fitness and I have a mini library of workout videos, which I use when going to the gym especially Winter time is no fun.
This is no marketing clitche' but this DVD ROCKS!. ' If you are looking for Janet Jackson abs , Jlo butt, and Tina turner killer legs for that beach bod this summer , then this is the workout video. Love it! love it! plus the jammin involved oh la la la!!!.....
A friend shared this with me and I thought I would share with y'all"
I have a hobby of tracking the origin of words. So let me tell you the origin of the word karatsi in Swahili.
Starting in the 1500s when the Portuguese started calling on the ports of Dar es Salaam and Mombasa, every time a ship from Portugal pulled into port, all the Portuguese who were waiting for the ships would row out to the arriving ships shouting : Cartas! Cartas! Cartas! What they received - if anything - were rolled pieces of paper! You see the word "cartas" means "letters". The marooned Portuguese were starved for news from Portugal and could not wait to
read their letters! Receiving and distributing letters was an important ritual
among the Portuguese. The on-looking Africans eventually referred to all paper as "cartas" which eventually became "karatasi" in Swahili".
Angelina Jolie is expecting a baby this summer with Brad Pitt, finally affirming the long-presumed relationship previously only glimpsed on African beaches(Kenya beach ...dumb ass... African is not Kenya) and in paparazzi snapshots."
Waoh this is bigger than Sharon-Israel Pm stroke,, Judge Alito gruelling by Democrats etc. This was the the first thing I heard this morning on today show with their morning news!
Aiii -I would hate to be Jennifer Aniston right about now (oh I never cared about her!!!) .I'm no hater but I was never her fan and always thought Brad derserved a better lady..but what do I know?......Oh I'm playa hatin now but lakini Angelina's beauty (even with her some weird behavior like french kissing her own brother, her lesbian encounters and not to forget the famous "blood necklace" with bob thorton) is to die for. I have a non sexual crush:-))) on this woman( Nothin wrong with admiring a beautiful woman or is there?:-). She is intriguing and Brad Pitt better not screw up on this one!!! Anyway just some hollywood gossip to end the day and what a lovely couple they make!
Funny the main comment on this "breaking news" was on the "genes" of the baby and how cute the baby will be, they even had a computer generated image (whatever they call that) of how the baby will look like etc...For Pete's sake! US press is just too shallow at times . If I heard that from E! or Access Holywood, I would not be thinking shallow, that is to be expected lakini Matt lauer and Katie Couric on Today Show ..Give me a break!
I met someone, online .We met sometime .He/she' now means a lot to me,I need to tell him/her so.We write each other when we canOn that I can depend.I so look forward to his/her mail,His/her informative mail, his/her sense of humor, He/she has become my close friend.Feel like we knew each other past lifeWe chat about little things;Sometimes, we dig deep----Into our present, past and future. He/she makes me smile, he/she warms my heart,A nice person that he/she is,Sweet, kind and gentleHe/she has become this and more to meI know we'll never come to know,To see, to touch, to feel--We're tied to other worlds ,This fact is very real.Even though .He/she'll always have a "special place"Loved him/her almost from the start.For you..I needed to let you know that you mean so and much more and miss you when you are all too busy to chat.