Political Economics was by far my best class ever in my school days (how fast years go by). Anyway my current read and a must read for all you interested in knowing how global economic works in ''reality". Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins is the book that will open your eyes .
I would recommend this to all our Politicians to read this book (Do they read?) and maybe when they are busy signing those dubious contracts with the Mzungu Corporations and smiling for the camera as they do it then they will know that they are selling their country heftly or what michael jackson sings"Selling your soul to the devil". Yeah the World bank and IMF those Multinationals and what have you , are all in it with their ridiculous reforms on how to make a country healthy economically when all along they are digging a deeper hole that we will ensure that we do not get out debt and continue to pay interest to the loans till the end of time(another blog another day).
The books outlays the corruption, greed , name it and yet none of these corporation's home country are on the top list of the most corrupt. So when we join in and condemn Kenya for being corrupt and clap to the so called organizations findings of how corrupt we are, maybe we might want to ask who makes us corrupt anyway?. In short this book tells it all and it is about time we stopped looking at Western countries as Demagods whose morality is at the peak !
P.S " NEW AFRICAN" biweekly magazine is worth your money. Superb articles on the real africa owned and written by Africans who tell as it is in a very positive way. Love this Mag.
cute -Angle: Try a bookstore near you,not sure barnes and nobles offers that but usually get mine in a Magazine store that offers foreign Magazines in DC.or try online
Sure thing!
Back in high school & college I used to "tear through" a somewhat similar version of this mag but in French. Its name was "Afrique Economie" and unlike the business savvy Irena:) I learned most of my economics & geonomics(any such term?LOL!) from Tv & reading so this book & magazine is a must have for me to broaden my mental 2 cents. Thanks for recommending it.
Our non-reading politicians sit & doze off while we're being given "the power to read" then they head back to the plush offices to sign contracts they DON'T read unless they're getting kickbacks:(( When will this ever end I wonder??
My host nation has been pointing fingers all around & rejoicing at the sight of the Most Corrupt Nations list. Well, are they going to dislodge Nigeria & Pakistan from position number one this year since corruption has taken over the news of missing blonde, blue-eyed girls? I can only wonder...
Akiey: Oui, how about that! Apparently our host country is corrupt after all, who woulda thought it! But hey it is just one individual with a few senators here and there right..Who are they kidding!
Again reading this book and to know one is even trained to drive another country into deep poverty, it is beyond what most people know especially us gullible Africans:-)
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