Miss Drummond herself........................................

"Officials in drought-stricken Kenya recoiled with outrage to a plan by a New Zealand woman to send "dog food" for starving children, even as she said the product was fit for human consumption."
I have no words on this.,... I didn't know whether to cry, feel sorry for my people or laugh..This is beyond insult..and to think some people agree on this .................................
So now Poor Africans children have been reduced to animals and for that mattter "Mbwa". God have mercy!!! How long shall Africans suffer this way ? How long God will you let us be a play ground for the rich ........ She has the Nerve - Mzungu Mchawi!!!! She must a very damn white woman to come up with the damnest idea ever. If she wants to help , why not raise funds with her dog food and buy proper food fit for human consumption?
What can I say.....!
Sorry story and vey sad. BTW do you still need love or have you moved on?
Just checking..
Guys: I was speechless !!!!
BrotherJelo: No Still needing:-))
This is total disrespect & that's the same Let's go save the destitute African's attitude am tired of. She wouldn't give her own kids that food.
The English language has a name for female dogs like her...the last time I checked it was bitch or something in that order,LOL!
Wewe Brother Jero wacha kuleta kompe! LOL.
I was even mad at the Government Clown for suggesting that it could be fit for human consumption.
Anyway to a STUPID NEWZEALANDER,we are just animals.
I'm shocked, but then I'm not. I guess that I expect the worst from the world at large when it comes to the poor and especially when it comes to the African or people of African descent.
I do know that there is good in everyone so I am not completely pessimistic.
Akiey5,shiro, cute-angel, Stephen & Poi: This is another ignorant human being who we have to share the world with......:-)and I hope she has learnt to check herself before she wrecks herself:-))
Let her eat her dog biscuits and bone meal while I watch. I'll even bring milk and tomato sauce!
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