Well, well, well, the son of man was black too..... no? This is bound to create some controversy, I wonder who will be the first to cast the first stone......
"We have to accept that Christ has been hijacked a bit -- he's gone very blonde haired and blue-eyed," he said. "The important thing about the message of Christ was that it is universal. It doesn't matter what he looked like." True that!!!
i cant wait to see BLACK JESUS..LOL ati has over time become too blonde or too blue eyed.
Too me it doesnt matter if he was Black or White...just as long as he is by/with/near/around/carrying me.
Nick: I hoep it will be released wehre I'm at in good time too..
it really doesnt matter what Jesus looked like it matters what he did for us.He died to pay for our sins and rose so we can have victory .
having said that i know for sure he was no blonde and he never had blue eyes . and i would go further and say devil was probably probably a black because the word says he was a supuu over when God created Him
Joe:True it doesn't matter really but unfortunately they are some people who would rather live with the belief that he must have come from a certain race. Remember the controversy in New York Museum ....
I think that most people like to worship someone that is appealing to their human eyes. I have my ideas about how Jesus probably looked but he definitely didn't look like Brad Pitt. Modern day people from there don't even look like Brad. :)
I remember seeing my first Jesus film, at a dusty playingfield, where the generator was drowning out the sound, then i watched Jesus:Superstar, the trashiest Jesus Movie, then Passion Of Christ, which was just painful. This new one just offers a different view, like the ones before, of what humans perceive Jesus to be.
My Point:
Matters less what He looked like, what matters most is that he died for our sins and He's alive inside of us.
Steve: I second that, Jesus=Brad Pitt Looks, no way!
Sammie: True but this version based on a black shanty town might give a different take, same message but in a modern improverished part of the world...This I'm interested in watching..didn't watch passion of christ though,nothing special about Mel Gibson version...
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